In order to get an occupancy permit, one of the things we need to do is build guardrails for the balconies. The model shows solid panels, but I can’t figure out how to make those, except in a model.
So, I decided on a cable railing because I can order the whole shebang from Stainless Cable and Railing.
The building code stipulates that a 4″ sphere cannot pass through any part of the guard rail. Ostensibly so that a baby’s head cannot pass through. I’m not making this up. At one time in history it was also true that horizontal cables/rails were not allowed because children could climb up them and take a header off the balcony.
According to the local building official, the other things that need to be in place to receive an occupancy permit are:
-a bathroom with a sink and a toilet.
– a shower. This seems random. A shower is not necessary for one’s survival.
-a way to cook.
-a place to store your groceries.
-a kitchen sink
We will now cover these (not necessarily in order).