Bent Nail Ranch Hermit's Woodshed Projects


A working shower is a requirement for an occupancy permit. Since when is the ability to take a shower a life or death situation? Arguing with the building inspector, however, might be.

When we poured the concrete slab, which will be the finished floor, the idea was to have a shower floor with a smooth transition and no curb between the shower and the main bathroom floor. To make that happen, the area where the shower was to be installed should have been blocked off and filled in later. Since it was all installed at the same level, we are stuck with building a shower pan on top of the concrete slab with some sort of curb, or transition between the shower and the main floor.

I had to level the floor area around the drain. The drywall mud and tape over the nail holes and drywall joints was all taken off before applying the waterproofing. (rookie mistake)

For the pan, we decided to use a prefabricated system. This one, made by Schluter, is sold everywhere and is almost idiot proof (perfect for the home owner DIY customer)

unboxing the shower system
Starting with the Schluter shower pan.

The walls are made waterproof with the Schluter membrane, and all the seams and joints are sealed with specially made pieces. The drain is made to be integrated with the system.

Schluter membrane
Schluter membrane installed. I did the walls before the floor because I didn’t want to wreck the shower pan by walking all over it.
Installing the pan I used quite a bit of thin-set to fill in around the drain area and I weighted it down with some bags of mortar until it cured.

We decided to install the floor tile first, a decision some professionals may not agree with. But what do they know?

Shower floor dry fit
Dry fitting the floor tile
shower floor tile layout
After dry fitting, the tile is spread out the way it needs to be installed because once the thin-set is mixed and placed there is not a lot of time to fuck around. Notice how the tiles left out for the drain align perfectly. Beginners luck.
Figuring the layout took at least as much time as actually installing the tile.
photo of partially finished shower
It’s a fucking shower, with hot and cold water, as the final occupancy permit requires.