Ready for some challenge and adventure up in the Boise Foothills? Come ride the third annual Boise Ridge Road Randonnee! The ride takes in 45 miles with around 7,000 feet of climbing on rugged dirt roads, ATV tracks, a little singletrack and even some pavement. Though the climbing will test your legs, the views are well worth the effort! There are also multiple bail-out options for a shorter trip.
This is an unsupported, unsanctioned ride. You are responsible for your own safety and enjoyment. Ryan will provide a turn-by-turn cue sheet with a suggested route but you are on your own and free to make your own decisions. Read on for the details!

START: Boise Co-Op (8th and Fort St.) Meet at 8:45. Ride departs promptly at 9:00am, Sunday June 25.
FINISH: Sun Ray Cafe (13th and Eastman). Expect around 8 hours ride time for the complete route depending on fitness and stopped time.

ROUTE DETAILS: Many sections of the route are unmaintained and conditions are unpredictable. Expect loose, sandy, rocky and/or rutted conditions in certain places. Much of the route is also very exposed to the sun, so protect yourself and be sure to start hydrated! View the route on RideWithGPS here.

BIKE SELECTION: Wide tires (1.75″/42mm and up) and low gears are highly recommended. Suspension won’t hurt but isn’t necessary. Any good mountain bike or dirt touring bike will be be fine. Road, cyclocross or pavement touring bikes are not a good option.

RESUPPLY NOTES: There are no resupply options en route with the exception of the Ranch Market at mile 6.5. Water may be filtered from Robie Creek between mile 30 and 33. Be prepared to carry all food, water and supplies you will need to complete the route.

Questions? Comments? Sound off below! You can also head over to the Facebook event page to RSVP or share with your friends. Don’t forget to tag your photos: #RidgeRoadRandonnee #BR3 #RidgeRoadRandonneurs #BikeTouringNews. Let’s Ride!